May 28, 2014
City Hall Auditorium
Present: William Haygood, Kim Fazzino, Jessica Hodorski, Fiona De Merrell, Elinor Carbone, Jacque Williams, Ed Canatta, Erin Wilson, and Sharon Waagner. Absent: Mike McAllister
The meeting was called to order at 9 a.m. on a motion by Jacque Williams, seconded by Fiona De Merrell. On a motion by Kim Fazzino, seconded by Jacque Williams, the meeting was open to the public. Minutes of the previous meeting had been read and were approved on a motion by Jacque Williams, seconded by Kim Fazzino.
Chairperson Hodorski gave a Main Street Market Place update. Kim reported that there were currently about 30 vendors signed on for each week, including retail, food, and some non-profits. Jessica requested that non-profits be directed to check into participation during Community Week in August. Jessica reported that Mike McAllister was in the process of booking bands for the 7 to 9 time slots and is working on contracts. Jay Roberts of Performance Hub USA has offered to fill the 5 to 7 slots with short acts. Ed and Fiona are working on collecting sponsorships. Erin encouraged a hard press. We currently have funding to run MSMP conservatively including two additional police officers but we
should work to build a balance to carry over to 2015.
Jessica reported that the Republican American will be providing major coverage at the beginning as well as mid-point of the event and will also be running weekly features. She will be meeting with WZBG to investigate radio coverage and promotion. Ed needs the schedule in order to begin planning the weekly flyer which will be distributed to places of business as well as to attendees. All themes and dates are posted on the MSMP website. Erin and Jessica are meeting regularly with scheduled participants and working on plans for each week.
There was discussion of safety concerns and the benefits of having additional police coverage. We will emphasize that no pets, bicycles, skateboards or scooters will be allowed. This will be especially important and will need to be emphasized during the theme work devoted to pets. Only service dogs will be allowed. The question was raised as to whether we have the space to accommodate such venues as the Fire Performers and similar entertainers due to the restructuring of the market place. After considerable discussion, a motion was made by Jacque, seconded by Kim, that due to the more restricted space as well as safety concerns, that type of entertainment cannot be accommodated this year.
At the next meeting of ACT, discussion will focus on the number of volunteers needed as well as their responsibilities. In addition, Sharon will contact the local businesses encouraging them to please let Erin and Jessica know if they plan to be open and if they plan to have sales or events outside of their businesses.
There was considerable discussion of the lack of posted minutes for previous meetings in 2013 and before. For some reason, those minutes were never forwarded to the city clerk as required. It was acknowledged that there are lapses in minutes records but since those commission members who made and approved motions are no longer available to approve those minutes, we can only move forward. If current commissioners have copies of those missing minutes, they should forward them to Chairperson Hodorski. In addition, if there are specific motions in question, she is to be notified of those as well before June 19. If after discussion the present commissioners feel a specific issue or idea should be discussed, it can be
handled at the next regular meeting. In addition, any suggestions on revision of bylaws should also be forwarded to Hodorski.
Mayor Carbone discussed the need to look at what we do in conjunction with other stakeholders and use the Collective Impact model. By sharing goals and ideas, much can be accomplished when all are on the same page. She suggested an annual session shared with all groups including City Council, ACT, EDC, Planning & Zoning, and others.
She also recommended adherence to Robert’s Rules of Order which helps with communication. All issues are to be brought to the chairperson at the regular meeting with discussion and motions if necessary. Sub-committees may gather information but cannot make decisions without bringing that information to the full commission. The chairperson is the voice of the commission when interacting with other entities. There was discussion about the possible position of co-chairperson. This should be placed on the next agenda for discussion. It is possible that an amendment to the bylaws may have to be approved. Any past oversights may also be addressed in this manner.
The role of Mayor Carbone and Erin Wilson were recognized as ex-officio members of the commission who do not have voting rights.
Jessica announced that there will be a special meeting on June 11 at 10 a.m. in the City Hall Auditorium primarily focused on MSMP. Any questions or information to be discussed at that meeting must be sent to her by June 5 to be included on the agenda. The next regular meeting will be on June 25. The deadline for information for that meeting is June 19.
There was discussion of the one vacancy on the ACT commission. Commissioners were asked to send names and bio information of persons who may be interested in serving to Mayor Carbone who is responsible for appointments to the board.
Sharon explained the CT Tourism Department had announced the annual Fan-Favorite Town program will be launched in June. She has already contacted Five Points Gallery, the Warner Theatre and the NWCT Arts Council and will be working with them and others to help promote our city and businesses/destinations. More information is forthcoming. Erin stressed the importance of all coming together in a united front and using the Its Happening Here website to help with the promotion. A motion was made by Erin for ACT to support the efforts of the CT Tourism Fan—Favorite program using IHH and expanding upon the work done during the past year and allowing Sharon Waagner to move forward with the campaign.
Discussion ensured regarding the recent branding of the City of Torrington by NYC artists as TOHO….an arts destination. Local businessman Steve Temkin created a tee shirt with this logo included in a statement, “Torrington Heart of the Arts.” This was a private enterprise and there was mixed reaction. However, it was agreed that it was interesting to see outside interests focused on the arts in Torrington. Erin shared that she had invited Steve Temkin to the next EDC meeting where she hopes to bring up the subject of branding and providing a choice of names and logos.
On a motion by Ed and seconded by Kim, the meeting was adjourned at 12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Waagner, Secretary